Bingo Nights Are Back!
Real Discussions | Real Experiences | Real Solutions
If you’re already familiar with DARS events, then you’re aware that Bingo Nights is no ordinary gathering either.
Here is another fun way to get out for a bit and meet others who are just as passionate about this cause.
This monthly gathering is approximately 70 minutes long and is designed to be an opportunity for you to share your ideas on how we can continue to help spread awareness.
Adults of all ages are welcome.
2-Prizes valued over $20 will be given to the first two Bingo winners and refreshments offered to all by our incredible Corporate Sponsors.
There is a 30 person capacity limit so sign-up now to reserve your space.
A $20 donation per person is being requested so that we may continue to provide resources throughout our program to survivors.
Schedule coming in January 2022